About us

In-Translate is located in the centre of Warsaw, and has been on the market for fifteen years, providing all translation-related services for law firms, consulting companies, and other businesses. We specialise in business translation, primarily legal, financial, economic, and commercial texts, which means keeping abreast of the latest developments and trends in the translation market to ensure that our services and approach remain relevant. We place great store by accuracy and true representation of content, and guarantee complete confidentiality, high-quality translation, punctuality, and reliability.


In-Translate is a dedicated and competent team, working with translators and interpreters with an established track record, selected for their knowledge of industry-specific terminology. We adopt an open and friendly approach, and it is always important to us to accommodate the needs and expectations of our clients by proceeding to agree solutions satisfactory to both parties. We are responsive when it comes to queries and modifications of texts submitted for translation. We guarantee translations of the highest quality, fully compliant with state of the art market requirements.

klawiatura z językami